Mohammed Essaid MEZERREG

A Developer wandering in the tech party!

Mohessaid stands for Mohammed Essaid, nothing fancy, just an abbreviation people used to call me. He’s a software engineer wielding a gleaming PHP shield and sturdy armor forged in the C family. With a JavaScript katana in hand, he rides an eager young Gopher, fearlessly traversing the tech war zone. Recently, he’s begun wielding the enchanted Ruby crystal and experimenting with Elixir potions to unlock new powers. Oh, and like a true Parselmouth, he speaks the language of the snake.

  • 🌱 I’m currently honing my Software Architecting skills.
  • Working on Ta9in.
  • Working on La9in.
  • πŸ’¬ Ask me about Moodle on DevLMS.
  • 😎 My handle everywhere is: @mohessaid

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I wrote this in Nvim and I’m very proud of that…

In the process of building it from scratch with Hugo.