What I Follow in 2024

Around 7:00 a.m today. I checked on LinkedIn out of curiousity to see what’s going on. I stumbled on this post where Bassem Dghaidi shared his list of recommended books and channels on YouTube. I know some of what he shared in his list. However, I wanted to share what I find worthy of following. I started writing a comment on his post. However, the list kept growing. Since I live by the rule Scott Henslman once mentioned in his blog. When you write an email, comment to somebody and it becomes longer than it should. Post it as a blog post and share it with him and whoever want that information.

Here is my full list of:

YouTube Channels

I love YouTube. I love visual content. I think, I’m good on holding back on consuming everything though. For YouTube, I only subscribe to channels that meet these criteria:

  1. Their content interest me obviously.
  2. Don’t over post.
  3. Unique style (compared to their category).

With that in mind, I have been following the following channels:


You know it. You should follow it.

Isaac Harris-Holt

I have been searching for one of his videos for days. He has a list title “X Language for Impatient Devs.” Great videos about different programming languages.

Recently, he is talking about Gleam the new Functional Programming Language.

No Boilerplate

I subscribed to him for his Rust videos. He has one named “Rust for the Impatient.” Yes, like Isaac. Seems like somone wrote a post about it and he used it as a reference. He talks about other things as well.


When you want to see someone with raw talent. This guy is a dream to be honest. Yes, he uses VS Code and don’t follow best practices. However, he produces Art. Check him out. He is the creator of Motion Canvas.

Andrej Karpathy

The ChatGPT guy. He share Machine Learning stuff 😄.


Someone the YouTube algorithm recommended.

Sebastian Lague

Great content. You learn a thing or two about Math and its application in Game Dev and programming.


He has some cool videos to be honest. Things you may try, but will never who would help you understand them.


Professional explainer.


Hidden gems. Create content.


Very thoughfull content. Very skilled in explaining.

DevOps Paradox

Great content about DevOps. However, he posts so often which is not good.

DevOps Toolbox

Posts too often about Linux and server configurations and stuff about DevOps.


Great explainer.

Dreams of Code

He talks DevOps better than lots of channels eventhough he is a generalist.

Ian Wootten

Things about Python and prompt engineering.

Ivan Velichko

His channel may look lame. But his website is something.

For Fun


Never watch his channel late at night. You won’t sleep. Very addicted.


Some bike lover named Mathieu. A French guy or Belgian I don’t know. Oops, he is Canadian! Anyway, he loves bikes and speak with an French accent.


Fantastic things. I think I am getting old.


I think he is funny! Eventhough he talks baout finance.


Super funny, talking about programming.

Green Code

You can’t get enough of his content. He is like Tsoding.


Great documentaries about softwares.


A Dev’s Story, A Life Engineered, AaronJack, Aaron Francis, abe’s projects, Acquired, Adam Lyttle, Adam Wathan, Adrian Twarog, AfterSkool, agepbiz, AI Arcade, AI Explained, Algorithmic Simplicity,

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